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Teens Against Domestic Violence

This program was created in response to the growing number of youth that are in abusive relationships or living in violent households. This program addresses the importance of self-appreciation and respect as well as the warning signs of domestic violence and how /where to get help.

Not You / Not Me

If you or someone you know is in trouble, call 911 or the U. S. National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-787-3224.

Our Goals
  1. To empower teens to love themselves enough to walk away from potentially  dangerous relationships.

  2. To educate them on love, how it looks, feels, and sounds.

  3. To motivate them to take action if they are or a friend is in trouble. 

  4. To simply give them a chance to experience love the way God intended.

We welcome you to help us in our efforts to raise awareness about domestic violence.  We would love to host a Day of Awareness for your church, school, or group/organization. Also, if you have a personal story and would like to share it, please contact us. Your experiences could save someone’s life or cause an abuser to seek help.


Day of Awareness last approximately 4 hours and consists of Speakers (Personal Testimonies),    Dance or Step Performance, Group Activity/Team Building, Film Presentation and Open Discussion.


Optional: Food - Free or $5.00 (This is determined on sponsorship for the event or whether the host group is willing to provide lunch to its participants)


If you have any questions or would like to schedule and event, contact us at 678-650-2626 or by email:

If you or someone you know is in trouble, call 911 or the U. S. National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-787-3224.

We are in need of the following:

       Printing Services
       Monetary Donations
       Venue Rentals
       Web Designers
       Advertising/Marketing            Services


We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization, all donations are tax deductible. You can give financially right now by scrolling to the bottom of the page and click DONATE. 

Thanks for your support!


Dupree Empowerment Group Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit  Corporation dedicated to serving individuals, families, and the community. Contributions are Tax Deductible. 




Dupree Empowerment Group Inc.

P O Box 391223

Snellville, Ga 30039


© 2020 Created by PeachCrest Graphics Inc.

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